Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Order Prescriptions Online For Repeat Medication

Repeat prescriptions are medications that are on your prescription script provided by your GP practice. The pharmacy team will be able to issue repeat medication through your prescription sent by your GP electronically. However, this service is only for people with chronic conditions. One cannot order medication for acute condition.
Ordering prescription online is a completely hassle-free process. You can nominate Pharmacy Outlet just by completing the register form and creating a new account. Before that, you need to discuss with your prescribing doctor who will send your repeat prescriptions to Pharmacy Outlet electronically.
Remember that you need to give at least two working days to collect and process your prescription from your GP surgery. This will also apply to those prescriptions that are prescribed by hospital consultants. If a GP wants a patient to start with new prescription medicine urgently, they will supply you through hospital or call the pharmacy in advance.
If you are on regular medication, your GP practice will be able to offer you a repeat prescription form to meet your medicinal supply.
Pharmacentric Limited owns and operates Pharmacy Outlet. It is located at 40 London Road, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AA.
If you are not used to computer or IT systems, you can submit your repeat prescription form to Blackwater Pharmacy that will dispense your medication and deliver it to your home.
If you want to use prescription online service, make sure you nominate Pharmacy Outlet first. Orders are usually not placed on telephone, except in a few circumstances. Call 03333 222 400 to find out more about this service.
It is recommended that you go through your repeat prescription carefully before placing an order. Let the pharmacy be aware about the medication you are not using anymore.
You can change or cancel the nomination with prior intimation to your doctor and pharmacy. If you fail to do so, your medicines will be delivered to incorrect address.