Thrush and Cystitis are common
issues related to women’s health. Many people think these two issues are
identical to each other; however, that is not the case. The symptomatology of
thrush and cystitis is quite similar; hence, many considered them as same. Let
us discuss about the difference between a thrush and cystitis.
Thrush, or vaginal thrush, is
a yeast infection of the vaginal tract. On the other hand, cystitis is a
bacterial infection of the urinary bladder. Early signs and symptoms of these
women’s health issues are quite similar, such as irritation or discomfort in
vaginal area, increased frequency of urination and burning urination.
In vaginal thrush, there is
vaginal itching with creamy discharge. In cystitis, the burning sensation
during urination is aggravated and the urine appears to be cloudy with
offensive smell.
Thrush occurs when there is an
alteration in the vagina’s pH balance, causing the infestation or growth of
fungus. It is commonly seen in pregnant women, diabetics, women with tight clothing
around vaginal area, and women who use antibiotics, oral contraceptive pills
and steroids. It is frequently seen in women with weak immune system.
Cystitis is a result of
bladder infection. The bacteria can invade through sexual contact, inserting
tampons, wearing tight clothing and poor hygiene. Once bacteria invade the bladder,
they grow and multiply, causing pain and discomfort.
Both these women’s health issues cause redness and
soreness of vagina. Your doctor is the right person to diagnose whether you
have thrush or cystitis. He/she may carry out a pelvic or vaginal examination.
The treatment is advised after confirming the diagnosis. Thrush and cystitis
are easily treatable with anti-fungal creams and vaginal pessaries that are
available over-the-counter. In severe case of cystitis, your doctor may advise
oral antibiotics.