Thursday 13 October 2016

XLS-Medical Fat Binder Tablets Can Help Lose Weight

Facing trouble in losing weight? Would you like to lose weight effectively and promptly? Probably, you are at the right place!

The bitter truth is that conventional ideas such as eat less and run more may not work in long run. Limiting calories largely? Exercising for hours? Trying to suppress your hunger? Why are you wasting time in such stuff? Eventually, you may give up.

Remember, certain hormones regulate your weight. All you need to do is reduce a fat-storing hormone called insulin. You can choose eating a low-carb diet, eat in small amount when hungry, chew your food thoroughly, avoid foods rich in artificial sweeteners and walk. Consider a supplement like XLS-Medical Fat Binder Tablets.

This weight loss supplement is a clinically proven treatment. It helps lose weight without any complications. It keeps you satiated for longer duration. The active ingredient present in this weight loss product is Litramine with other essential vitamins and minerals.

XLS-Medical Fat Binder Tablets are useful in reducing weight three times more than dieting alone. This fat binding supplement finds the fat consumed through diet and prevents it from getting absorbed. The unabsorbed fat is eliminated from the body through stools. Hence, people using this supplement often experience greasy or oily stools.

It is important that you use this obesity pill as directed by a general practitioner. You may need to take two or three tablets immediately after a meal. Do not overdose with this medicine; otherwise, you may experience unwanted side effects.

XLS-Medical Fat Binder Tablets are contraindicated if your body mass index is less than 18. Also, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are advised not to use this weight loss treatment. Inform your doctor if you have any medical issue and/or undergoing treatment with OTC or prescription medications. You should keep a proper gap of two hours between this fat-binding pill and other medications.

XLS-Medical Fat Binder Tablets can help you shed those extra pounds you accumulated over the years. 

Sleep Deprivation Is Bad For Your Health

We are quite aware of the fact that lack of sleep can make us feel grumpy and affect our productivity at work. But little did you know that sleeplessness can potentially lead to physical health complications.

In UK, one in three people suffers from sleep deprivation due to constant stress and work pressure. Persistent sleeplessness can put you at the risk of severe medical issues, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and depression. It may even cut short your life expectancy. So, it is crystal clear that you need adequate sleep for long and healthy life.

What happens when you don’t get enough sleep?
A poor night’s sleep causes lack of concentration, fatigue and frustration. It even makes you feel irritable and tired throughout the day. If this becomes a habit, you feel exhausted mentally as well as physically. Your brain is drained out, making it difficult to focus and make appropriate decisions. You may feel drowsy and fall asleep during the daytime. Moreover, your risk of accidents or injury at home, work or on road increases. And if it persists, you are vulnerable to obesity, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.

Benefits of a good sleep
  • Boosts immune system and helps fight common cold and flu
  • Helps enhance the body’s ability to repair and regenerate
  • Improves mental wellbeing
  • Wards off cardiovascular diseases
  • Enhances sexual drives and prevents fertility issues
  • Prevents diabetes and obesity

If you are a chronic sufferer of sleepless, there is one way to compensate i.e. getting more sleep. It may take several weeks to develop a proper sleeping habit. The best time to go to bed is when you are tired. Make a habit of allowing your body to rise in the morning.

According to medical experts, our body requires at least eight hours of sound sleep at night to function optimally. If you wake up exhausted and craving to sleep more, it is more likely that you are not getting sufficient sleep. Try to stay away from energy drinks and coffee as they contain caffeine, which may prevent you from getting a quality sleep. Sometimes you may require sleeping aids to achieve a good night’s sleep; talk to your GP regarding the same.

Friday 7 October 2016

Effective Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is associated with various physical and mental health issues. Prolonged stress can make you feel miserable. Hence, it is important that you know about a few techniques on how to manage stress effectively. You can start following healthy coping strategies right away to reduce stress.

Stress relief techniques usually focus on calming your mind and body.

Ways to calm your mind
  • Track triggering factors – Write about the things that are bothering you. This will help track the triggering factors of stress. Identifying and preventing the causative factors can help you cope with stress efficiently.
  • Express yourself – Expressing yourself is another best way to get rid of stress. Talk with your friends, family or counsellor about your feelings. This will surely release a lot of stress.
  • Do something you feel good – There are many things you can do that can make you feel good. Start a new hobby, go for a movie, play with your pet, write or draw something and indulge in some activities.
  • Mediation – Nothing is as effective as mediation when it comes to managing stress.
Ways to calm your body
  • Exercise – Performing regular exercise is one of the best ways to overcome stress. Walking, running swimming and cycling are a great way to enhance your physical activity. Stretching exercise helps relieve muscle tension.
  • Relaxation techniques – Deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, music therapy, laughter therapy and Yoga are quite helpful in releasing stress and tension.

If the abovementioned techniques fail to manage stress, you need to consult your doctor. Psychological counselling helps cope with stress.

Stress can affect your sleep. You can use over-the-counter medicines that help induce sleep. Getting adequate amount sleep is also one of the ways to manage stress. For effective stress relief, follow healthy lifestyle by eating well, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol.

At PharmacyOutlet, you can come across a few medicines that help reduce stress and improve sleep. 

Monday 3 October 2016

Five Tips For Flawless Skin

Have no time to pamper your skin? You can still take care of you skin by just sticking to the basics. Healthy lifestyle and proper skin care can help enhance skin appearance and prevent several skin diseases. Follow the below-mentioned tips for good skin care –

Treat skin gently
Daily cleansing, toning and moisturising can help improve your skin tone and texture. To keep it gentle and supple, avoid applying harsh chemical or strong soaps and limit bath time. Use a moisturiser that suits your skin type. You can consider a moisturising cream that contains SPF.

Protect your skin from the sun
Protecting your skin from the harmful sun rays is the most important aspect of skin care. Excessive exposure of sun can lead to wrinkles, dark spots and even skin cancer, melanoma. Use sunscreen of SPF of at least 15 or 30. Reapply after two hours if you are outdoors most of the time. Try to stay away from sun rays between 10 and 2 p.m., as the rays are strongest and harmful. Wear protective clothing.

Eat healthy
A well-balanced diet can make you look and feel rejuvenated. Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts and seeds. Foods rich in vitamin C help promote younger and healthy looking skin.

Quit smoking
Smoking is the root cause of many skin diseases. It makes you look older and depletes the oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin. Smoking also damages collagen formation, which can contribute to wrinkles. If you smoke, you need to kick the habit real soon.

Relieve stress
Prolonged stress can increase the risk of skin issues such as acne breakouts. A healthy state of mind encourages healthy skin. So, take steps to manage your stress. Exercise, eat healthy and meditate to reduce stress effectively.

You can use clinically proven skin care products such as moisturising creams, face washes, toners, sunscreen lotions, etc. You can acquire a great number of skin care products through PharmacyOutlet.