Friday, 7 October 2016

Effective Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is associated with various physical and mental health issues. Prolonged stress can make you feel miserable. Hence, it is important that you know about a few techniques on how to manage stress effectively. You can start following healthy coping strategies right away to reduce stress.

Stress relief techniques usually focus on calming your mind and body.

Ways to calm your mind
  • Track triggering factors – Write about the things that are bothering you. This will help track the triggering factors of stress. Identifying and preventing the causative factors can help you cope with stress efficiently.
  • Express yourself – Expressing yourself is another best way to get rid of stress. Talk with your friends, family or counsellor about your feelings. This will surely release a lot of stress.
  • Do something you feel good – There are many things you can do that can make you feel good. Start a new hobby, go for a movie, play with your pet, write or draw something and indulge in some activities.
  • Mediation – Nothing is as effective as mediation when it comes to managing stress.
Ways to calm your body
  • Exercise – Performing regular exercise is one of the best ways to overcome stress. Walking, running swimming and cycling are a great way to enhance your physical activity. Stretching exercise helps relieve muscle tension.
  • Relaxation techniques – Deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, music therapy, laughter therapy and Yoga are quite helpful in releasing stress and tension.

If the abovementioned techniques fail to manage stress, you need to consult your doctor. Psychological counselling helps cope with stress.

Stress can affect your sleep. You can use over-the-counter medicines that help induce sleep. Getting adequate amount sleep is also one of the ways to manage stress. For effective stress relief, follow healthy lifestyle by eating well, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol.

At PharmacyOutlet, you can come across a few medicines that help reduce stress and improve sleep.