Tuesday 30 May 2017

Worm Therapy For Allergies? Is it Effective?

Would you like to swallow a glassful of worm to get rid of your allergies? Sounds weird, right? Controversial treatment like “Worm Therapy” can help beat skin allergies and food intolerances.
Worm therapy has not been clinically proven yet, but it is found to be effective against allergies. The therapy involves drinking a glassful of worm eggs or applying live larvae on the rashes caused by allergy. The theory states that the worms enter your gut and mature there to release chemicals that can stop allergic reactions by suppressing immune system.
Here is a story of Graham from Southampton, who is using worm therapy to get rid of his severe eczema. Graham had a history of severe food intolerance to cereals, yeast, certain veggies and fruits, nuts and dairy products since his childhood. His allergic reaction was severe and he used to experience swelling of throat and eczema. He tried to avoid all those substances that triggered his allergic reaction.
Somehow, he saw an article that mentioned about worm therapy for allergies. He used this therapy for three months and experienced remarkable improvement in his symptoms. Moreover, he stopped reacting to the foods he was allergic to.
The idea of colonising worms inside your body may sound weird, but for thousands of people, it can be an effective way of treating various types of allergies. Experts in UK explain that worm therapy can help treat conditions such as eczema, inflammatory bowel syndrome and even multiple sclerosis.
There is an evidence to support the theory of worm therapy. T-cells are immune cells that recognise and combat foreign bodies in the body, inducing immune disorders. Worms in the gut activate other immune cells, shutting down the response of T-cells. Lack of good bacteria unbalances your immune system and makes your body vulnerable to diseases.
Worm therapy is not a risk-free treatment. Some studies have found that people with long-term therapy experienced severe gastrointestinal discomfort.
Meanwhile, you can rely on allergy medicines such as antihistamines or steroids. Antihistamines work by stopping the allergic reaction, while steroids bring down the inflammation caused by allergic reaction. It is better to seek medical help before choosing any treatment for allergies.