Thursday, 15 September 2016

Dental Pain Treatment

Dental pain or toothache is often caused by tooth decay, but there are other causes that can give rise to tooth pain. It is important that you undergo a complete oral or dental examination to identify the exact cause. Gum disease, infection, abnormal bite, tooth eruption and injury can cause dental pain.

Generally, if you experience tooth pain, you may have gum disease or cavity. Pain caused by tooth decay is aggravated while eating something sweet, very hot or very cold. That’s because the substance irritates the tissues and nerves present in the pulp of the teeth.

Treating dental pain
It is imperative to consult a dentist if you experience toothache. If left untreated, a dental pain can aggravate and cause dental complications. Treatment usually depends on the diagnosis of underlying dental problem. If you are not able to get an emergency appointment, self-care treatment can help alleviate inflammation and pain, which includes –
  • Gentle flossing to remove any trapped food particles
  • Taking an OTC (over-the-counter) medicine to relieve pain, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen
  • Applying an OTC antiseptic solution (containing Benzocaine) directly to the painful part
  • You can also apply oil of cloves with a small piece of cotton swab
  • In case of dental injury, apply cold compress outside the cheek

Your doctor will advise treatment after full dental examination. If required, he/she may take a few X-rays. In case of an infection, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers to speed up healing. A root canal procedure or removal of tooth is done in advanced cases.

Prevention of dental pain
  • Brush with a fluoride-based toothpaste at least twice daily, preferably after meals
  • Floss at least one time in a day to prevent gingivitis or gum disease
  • Keep a regular follow up with your dentist for a complete examination or professional cleansing

At PharmacyOutlet, you can get OTC painkillers and dental products to prevent and treat dental pain.