Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Period Pain

Sometimes, period pain is so bad that it can interfere with your daily work. It stops you from attending your school or work. In some women, period pain is miserable. It is normal to experience menstrual pain, but there are effective ways to get relief instantly.

Period pain is common in adolescents and females in their 20s. While few women have mild discomfort during menstruation, others suffer from severe pain in back and abdomen, affecting their daily activities.

What causes period pain?
Usually, period pain is a result of muscle contraction or tightening in the uterus during menstruation. Women experience cramps in lower abdomen (pelvic region where uterus is located), pain in the lumbar region or even in legs. Some women may experience associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. Women with severe pains often secrete more prostaglandins, a natural chemical produced when the uterus is contracted.

Home care
Period pain is treatable with simple home care tips, such as –
  • Warm application on the abdomen or back to relieve muscle contractions
  • Warm bath to release stress
  • Mild exercise to release feel-good hormones – endorphins
  • Meditation

In addition to these tips, you can take over-the-counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Complementary therapy like Acupuncture is quite useful in managing severe period pain. It is found that magnesium and Agnus Castus are extremely helpful in managing pain caused by menstruation. Talk to a naturopath before using any natural remedies.

If the abovementioned tips fail to provide your relief, it is better to see a GP. It will help your doctor identify and correct the underlying cause of period pain, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids or adenomyosis.

At PharmacyOutlet, there are various medical products, which are clinically proven and effective in treating menstrual pain.